Nainštalovať rozšírenie Personalized Web.
V jeho nastaveniach do poľa Rule name napísať GC Cache.
Do poľa Match URLs napísať www\.geocaching\.com\/seek\/cache_details\.aspx.
Odškrtnúť preč políčko Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Do poľa Add CSS vložiť:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} .span-17 {width: 1450px !important;} footer, #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, fieldset.DisclaimerWidget {display: none !important;} #Content .container {background-color: white !important;} #ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription table {width:100% !important;}A nakoniec kliknúť na Save.
Nové pravidlo pridáte kliknutím dole na tlačítko Add new rule.
V jeho nastaveniach do poľa Rule name napísať GC Map.
Do poľa Match URLs napísať www\.geocaching\.com\/map\/default\.aspx.
Odškrtnúť preč políčko Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Do poľa Add CSS vložiť:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} body {line-height: 1.0 !important;} #map-content {height: 750px !important;} #ctl00_divBreadcrumbs, #ctl00_divContentMain h2, footer {display: none !important;}A nakoniec kliknúť na Save.
Nové pravidlo pridáte kliknutím dole na tlačítko Add new rule.
V jeho nastaveniach do poľa Rule name napísať GC Profile.
Do poľa Match URLs napísať www\.geocaching\.com\/my\/default\.aspx.
Odškrtnúť preč políčko Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Do poľa Add CSS vložiť:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} body {line-height: 1.0 !important;} #ctl00_divContentMain div.span-16 {width: 1400px !important;} #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, footer {display: none !important;} table.Table th, table.Table td {padding: 0px !important;} table.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {text-align:center !important;} table.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {width: 160px !important;}A nakoniec kliknúť na Save.
Pre iné rozlíšenia treba adekvátne upraviť dané čísla.
Všetky tieto pravidlá môžete aj nahrať naraz do nastavení keď dole kliknete na Load dump a vložíte nasledujúcu konfiguráciu:
[{"name":"GC Cache","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/seek\\/cache_details\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,Následne sa vám zobrazia všetky vaše predošlé pravidlá a aj tie nové zbalené. Nezabudnite stlačit Save.
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\n.span-17 {width: 1450px !important;}\nfooter, #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, fieldset.DisclaimerWidget {display: none !important;}\n#Content .container {background-color: white !important;}\n#ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription table {width:100% !important;}\n",
"html":"","js":"","filters":[]},{"name":"GC Map","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/map\\/default\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\nbody {line-height: 1.0 !important;}\n#map-content {height: 750px !important;}\n#ctl00_divBreadcrumbs, #ctl00_divContentMain h2, footer {display: none !important;}\n",
"html":"","js":"","filters":[]},{"name":"GC Profile","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/my\\/default\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\nbody {line-height: 1.0 !important;}\n#ctl00_divContentMain div.span-16 {width: 1400px !important;}\n#ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, footer {display: none !important;}\ntable.Table th, table.Table td {padding: 0px !important;}\ntable.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {text-align:center !important;}\ntable.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {width: 160px !important;}",
Váš risototh.
Install extension Personalized Web.
In field Rule name put GC Cache.
Into field Match URLs write www\.geocaching\.com\/seek\/cache_details\.aspx.
Check out Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Into field Add CSS put:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} .span-17 {width: 1450px !important;} footer, #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, fieldset.DisclaimerWidget {display: none !important;} #Content .container {background-color: white !important;} #ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription table {width:100% !important;}And finaly Save it.
You have to add a new rule by clicking on Add new rule.
In field Rule name put GC Map.
Into field Match URLs write www\.geocaching\.com\/map\/default\.aspx.
Check out Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Into field Add CSS put:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} body {line-height: 1.0 !important;} #map-content {height: 750px !important;} #ctl00_divBreadcrumbs, #ctl00_divContentMain h2, footer {display: none !important;}And finaly Save it.
You have to add a new rule by clicking on Add new rule.
In field Rule name put GC Profile.
Into field Match URLs write www\.geocaching\.com\/my\/default\.aspx.
Check out Try to prevent web pages from injecting iframe, object, embed and script DOM nodes via JavaScript's document.write() calls..
Into field Add CSS put:
#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;} body {line-height: 1.0 !important;} #ctl00_divContentMain div.span-16 {width: 1400px !important;} #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, footer {display: none !important;} table.Table th, table.Table td {padding: 0px !important;} table.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {text-align:center !important;} table.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {width: 160px !important;}And finaly Save it.
For other resolutions change the apropriate numbers.
You can load all these rules by clicking on Load dump and pasting this config:
[{"name":"GC Cache","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/seek\\/cache_details\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,After it loads the rules, you can see your old rules and the new ones. Don't forget to Save it.
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\n.span-17 {width: 1450px !important;}\nfooter, #ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, fieldset.DisclaimerWidget {display: none !important;}\n#Content .container {background-color: white !important;}\n#ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription table {width:100% !important;}\n",
"html":"","js":"","filters":[]},{"name":"GC Map","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/map\\/default\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\nbody {line-height: 1.0 !important;}\n#map-content {height: 750px !important;}\n#ctl00_divBreadcrumbs, #ctl00_divContentMain h2, footer {display: none !important;}\n",
"html":"","js":"","filters":[]},{"name":"GC Profile","urlRegex":"www\\.geocaching\\.com\\/my\\/default\\.aspx","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":true,"preserveDocWrite":true,
"css":"#Content .container, .span-24 {width: 1750px !important;}\nbody {line-height: 1.0 !important;}\n#ctl00_divContentMain div.span-16 {width: 1400px !important;}\n#ctl00_ContentBody_divContentSide, footer {display: none !important;}\ntable.Table th, table.Table td {padding: 0px !important;}\ntable.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {text-align:center !important;}\ntable.Table.WordWrap tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {width: 160px !important;}",
Your risototh.